Serunya Napak Tilas Bareng KHI

Thursday, August 19, 2010

 Serunya Napak Tilas Bareng KHI

Puasa tidak menyurutkan keinginanku untuk mengikuti Napak Tilas dalam rangka memperingati hari kemerdekaan RI yang ke 65. Memang berat tetapi tekadku sudah bulat. Maju terus pantang mundur, rawe rawe rantas malang-malang tuntas. Walau loyo, ngantuk dan lapar setengah terpaksa akhirnya Julius, anakku ikut. Jam 1 siang, jalanan macet dan harus melalui putaran yang cukup jauh akhirnya sopir menurunkanku di depan Museum Joang'45 Jl. Menteng Raya No.31 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat Dki Jakarta, Indonesia. Supir kusuruh pergi kembali ke kantor, aku masuk ke arena gedung dan mendaftar ke panitia. Aku dapat kaos bernuansa merah putih dan topi berwarna merah untuk Julius. Tetapi Julius sedang tidak mood dan setengah ngantuk maka kaos dan topi kupakai semuanya. Jadilah kami peserta Napak Tilas dibawah naungan Komunitas Historia. 

Napak tilas ini di konsep dalam bentuk parade atau karnaval dengan menyusuri rute sebagai berikut : Gedung Juang ’45, Jl. Cut Meutia, Jl. Teuku Umar, Taman Suropati, Jl. Imam Bonjol, Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi, Gd. Bapenas, Jl. Diponegoro, Megaria, Jl. Proklamasi (melawan arus lalu lintas), dan berakhir di Tugu Proklamasi dengan disugui berbagai acara seperti orasi, pagelaran kesenian dan senam irama yang aduhai. Hujan mengguyur kota Jakarta membuat acara ini tertunda tetapi begituhujan reda acara Napak Tilas segera dimulai. 

Sekitar jam 2:30 rombongan KHI yang diikuti oleh kurang lebih 100 orang berangkat menyusuri rute-rute yang telah ditetapkan. Hatiku senang dan bangga mengikuti acara ini. Rasa lapar dan haus tertepiskan dengan sisa-sisa semangat 45 milik para pejuang kemerdekaan. Apalagi dengan mendengarkan orasi-orasi yang menggugah semangat perjuangan di musium Perumusan Proklamasi, rasanya merinding bulu kuduk ini dan terharu yang mendalam. Pekik MERDEKA..!!!! dengan kompak dikumandangkan peserta secara berulang-ulang. Tak terbayangkan bagaimana situasi pada saat sehari sebelum hari kemerdekaan, pada saat para pemuda memaksa Sukarno (proklamator kita) untuk segera memproklamirkan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Sungguh peristiwa heroik yang patut diteladani dan dimaknai secara mendalam. Kita adalah bangsa yang besar, jangan hanya ada pada slogan tetapi mari kita wujudkan dengan kerja nyata. Para pemimpin berjuanglah seperti para pemuda yang memaksa untuk sebuah kemerdekaan ini. Berhentilah para koruptor untuk korupsi, milikilah sedikit nurani untuk memikirkan nasib rakyat kecil yang di dera kemiskinan yang bertubi-tubi. Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang mengingat dan menghargai sejarahnya. Sungguh harapan yang sia-sia??

Walaupun pada ahirnya kami, KHI tidak memenangkan piala dan hadiah apapun pada kegiatan ini tetapi aku merasa menang dan bahagia karena bisa melaksanakan kegiatan ini sampai selesai, sampai tujuan akhir yaitu Tugu Proklamasi dan sampai pula tugas puasaku. Horee... aku menang... perasaan gembira di hati dan mengucap syukur tak henti-henti, Alhamdulliah karena waktu berbuka telah tiba. Bukber dengan menu yang disediakan panitia...yahhh enak juga. Bukan makanannya yang enak tetapi karena lapar dan rasa syukur ke hadirat ilahi yang maha pemurah lagi maha pengasih. Trima kasih Ya Allah masih kau berikan nikmat yang indah ini. Salam historia dan Dirgahayu Indonesiaku….

Jakarta, 16 Agustus 2010

by. Sita Rahmah

Tanah Sumba nan Exotic

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Waingapu, Ngadulanggi, Pulu Panjang, Goa, Waikabubak, Kodi, Tarung, Roteng Garo, Pero and, Tambolaka are the name of those beautiful places, I visited last July. The people, nature and cultures are unique and beautiful there. We rented a truck and rode for the destinations. The access road to reach Ngadulanggi village is not yet properly built. It is just a simple bumpy road, and too much uncomfortable, I must say. During the travel, we were jolting throughout in the truck, like being surrounded in the middle of Tsunami wave. The view to reach Ngadulanggi is awesome and beautiful like paradise. We went from one hill to another hill just like heading from one to another heaven of the world. To be in this hidden heaven in one corner of this universe is just like a dream. I went there to carry out some volunteer works, as a participant in 1N3B activities. We organized fun games for about 400 children. We donated some stuff to them, like school uniforms, food, school bags, stationeries, and also distributed medicines to around 700 people of Ngadulanggi and Pulu Panjang village. 
We reached at Ngadulanggi village at around 7 pm. Our truck had to cross the small river to reach the place, where we planned to spend the night, and to begin the activities on the next day. It’s an elementary school name SDN Ngadulanggi. It was too bad, the truck was stuck in the river, and we had only option left to walk across it. When we reach there, people greeted us with the traditional music and dances. It was as dark as no electricity was there, when we entered through the gate made by coconut leaves. My eyes were watery, water drops were rolling down one, two, and three. I was lucky as nobody saw me due to darkness. We worked hard, to arrange the things needed for the next morning. The goody bags for 400 students and gifts were prepared ready before we went to sleep. Then I was thinking about my bad habit,” I can’t sleep without taking bath”, so that I had taken bathe with crude water. Any ways I was so happy comfortable despite this limitations.
We spent two hectic days in different activities, started with the opening ceremony by Bapak Camat, Kades, leader of 1N3B etc. Our expedition started with breaking ice activity when we sang Ram Tam Tam (its Ram zam zam) and Potong Bebek Angsa. All people applauded us when we started our next activities. The children, most of them barefooted, were so much happy and excited to participate. Grade 1 and 2 did colouring activities, grade 3-7 played scientific games. The old people were watching us with great enthusiasm. Some of them received free medical treatments by the two senior doctors who accompanied us in this trip.
The first day ended with joy on very much satisfactory note. At night we arranged some movies for them to watch, i.e Denias and Tanah Air Beta. We set up a big screen for the movies and rented a generator set along with the operator for the provision of electricity. While they were watching movies, we packed goody bags and school uniforms to be distributed the next day. The weather was so cold but we had sound sleep that night.
The next morning we were fresh and ready for another games and activities. It was busy, hectic but fun day. The Educational team remained busy with finding the Treasure games. These are fun games. The children had to fix the puzzles and name it. It was all dinosaurs’ puzzles. It’s something new for them to learn about Dinosaurs. Again the doctors were busy with the patients. To communicate with the children it’s not really easy, but we enjoyed this hard work and succeeded. Some of them do not really understand Bahasa Indonesia. So we need the help of the Kades, the head of the community and teachers as our interpreter. The children were smart but looked shy to speak out to the person who does not belong to their community. This is something ironic, in this modern era there is a place like Ngadulanggi village that have no essentialities of life like electricity, TV, clean water, and foods of proper nutrition values. I hope the government will take notice about this serious matter. I heard a voice deep inside me, I thank God about what I have this far.
At night the people watched another movie. In the middle of watching the generator-set stopped due to its diesels finished. We have to go 10 km to get it. It was dark, no light but the people were waiting patiently till the diesel reached, and generator set restarted. Finally when the movie was re-continued. I saw their faces again shinning with happiness with just a simple thing, watching a movie on big screen on the front yard of the school.
The next day we prepared for going back to Jakarta. Our flight was cancelled from Waingapu so we went other way, Tambolaka West Sumba. Its blessing in disguise, we can see more beautiful places and cultures of Sumba people. We had chances to visit some traditional villages’ like Kampung Tarung, Roteng Garo and as a bonus we can see an amazing beach called Pero. It was a short trip, just we got a glimpse of those places then we rushed to the Tambolaga airport and flying to Denpasar, Bali. After having transit there we flied back to Jakarta and here I am again back to a modern civilization. But the journey will remain be unforgettable with its wonderful memories

Ngadulanggi language:      Bahasa Indonesia:                 English:
Ngara natamu mu            = siapa namamu             = what is your name?
Nggara ulam                   = apa kabar                    = how are you?
Lundu tapa hambur         = sampai jumpa              = see you later
Baru                              = pagi                            = morning
Tidu lodu                       = siang                           = noon time
Laku                              = jalan                           = walking
Nahun da rambu              = permisi                       = excusme
Rambu                           = panggilan tuk wanita     = woman
Umbu                            = panggilan tuk pria         = man
Ngangu                          = makan                         = to eat
Unu                               = minum                         = to drink
Nggara pa unu                 = kamu mau minum apa?  = what do you want to drink?
Mbeli harumu                  = pulang                        = going home
Mbeli mayaka nyuma rambu = kami mau pulang       = we want to go home
Lima                               = tangan                        = hand
Uru                                 = hidung                        = nose
Kahilu                             = telinga                        = ear
Kambaku                         = lutut                           = knee
Malangu                          = maaf                           = sorry
Uhuk                              = duduk                          = sit down

Ngadulanggi, East Sumba
July 28-30, 2010